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The 6 Things That Need to Change When You Get Older

Getting older is something that very few of us want to deal with. You might experience changes you don’t like, feel a little lonely or even be dissatisfied with your life. However, you don’t have to feel this way and there are ways to combat and manage many of the issues that arise in your senior years.

Change will need to come from your side – you’ll need to adjust the way you live and think, but once you do so, you can live out many more fulfilling and healthy years. Here are the things that might need to change when you age.

Your Living Space

First of all, it’s important to make peace with the fact that you might not be able to move the way you used to once you reach a certain age. This is natural and normal.

With more limited mobility, it’s important that you prioritise your safety and optimise your environment to accommodate your needs. You can modify your space with factors like walk in bathtubs and ramps for wheelchairs, or smaller and simpler solutions like non-slip mats and hand railings. Consider what changes you might need in order to be safe at all times, and ask for help if necessary. 

Your Healthcare

Second, you’ll need to start paying closer attention to preventative care. Older adults are, unfortunately, more prone to chronic illnesses and even injuries after a fall. The older you get, the more crucial your annual check-ups will become.

Make sure to be serious about doctor’s visits and screenings. An annual general check-up, as well as dental checks, visits to the optometrist, hearing tests, blood sugar tests and even prostate exams or pap smears as often as is required. Getting these tests and screenings done regularly will ensure that any potential issues are caught and treated early for the best chance of managing them. 

Your Daily Routine

Once you’ve retired, you’ll have all the time in the world on your hands and you might feel inclined to abuse this. However, it’s still a good idea to maintain a daily schedule.

Having a daily routine and schedule will help you maintain a sense of purpose which is crucial for good mental health. Include things you enjoy throughout your day – a daily walk, journaling, cooking, practising an art or hobby, a phone call with a loved one, a cup of tea with the neighbour, daily chores, etc. 

Your Activity Levels

When you get older and more tired, it’s normal for your activity levels to naturally drop, and this is okay and healthy. However, it’s important that you become more aware of your daily activity levels so that you don’t become too sedentary, as this can have negative effects on your long-term health.

Try to include some form of daily exercise in your routine for as long as you can. When you feel strong enough, bike rides, gym classes and some resistance training will be great for maintaining muscle mass and cardiovascular health. However, when these activities are no longer an option, daily walks and stretching will be a great way to keep moving. 

Your Diet

Since you’ll be focusing more on your health, you’ll of course need to take a look at your diet. Even if cooking becomes difficult, you need to prioritise creating healthy meals each day. Nourishing your body with protein, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables is essential for your energy levels and maintaining good health.

If you struggle to cook nourishing meals, look into a food or meal delivery service that will provide you with healthy meals ready to eat. 

Your Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is unhealthy for any age group, but as you get older it’s a good idea to reduce or even completely eliminate alcohol and even cigarettes from your diet and lifestyle. 

This substance can negatively impact your sleep, mental health, digestion, heart health, etc. and these are all areas that you should be paying extra close attention to as an older adult. A glass of wine from time to time is alright, but make sure that you’re not overconsuming it. 

Final Thoughts

There are plenty of things that you’ll need to change as you get older, but this doesn’t have to be a negative or difficult process. Instead, think of these changes as the ultimate form of self-love. Take care of yourself and make yourself your own number one priority. After a lifetime of caring for others and working hard – you deserve it.