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Get Organized and Neat: 9 Ways to Cut Clutter in Your Home

Have you ever been late because you couldn’t find your keys or your wallet? Do you often misplace things? Do you avoid inviting people over because your home is a mess?

If you were nodding your head whilst reading these questions, it is definitely time you organize your home.

Life is short, time is valuable so don’t allow yourself to waist another minute on looking for something you desperately need but cannot find.

Having a well-organized home is not only a time-saver, but it helps you feel more confident, calm, and capable. Starting is often the hardest part, but with these clever guidelines you will be able to overcome any challenges you have in order to live your best life. These tips will help you win that constant battle against clutter and get your house in order.

Use behind-the-door shoe holders
Those can be very useful, and not just for storing shoes! Actually, you can place them in any room where you have some tiny nick nacks that need to be organized. For example, put a holder in your laundry room and put cleaning products in it. You can easily organize your tools, craft supplies or office materials with these simple shoe holders.

Wash the dishes immediately after meals
We have all been lazy after a Sunday lunch when all you want to do is sit in front of a TV and unbutton your pants. Although cleaning the dishes is not the most entertaining task in the world, you should do it right after the meal. Otherwise, those three plates turn into huge pile stacked up in the sink and before you know it, you need a whole hour to clean your kitchen. Therefore, just wash the dishes or put them in the dishwasher right after you’ve eaten and your kitchen will always look spotless.

Store toiletries in the bathroom drawers
Every bathroom looks messy when you keep your razor, shaving cream, hair spray, makeup, deodorant or something else on the counter. Instead, try placing everything in drawers and you will see just how quickly your bathroom will look tidy and organized. If you don’t have any drawers, buy some nice boxes or baskets and put your toiletries in those. Not only will they look nice on your counter, but they are easy to move when you need to clean.

Say goodbye to the clothes you don’t wear
Tidy up your closet and place everything on the left side of it. Every time you wear something put it on the right side after washing it. After a year, everything that is still on the left side should be either donated or thrown away. Trust me, if you haven’t worn something for a year, you won’t wear it ever again.

Keep a rack by the door
Every time you come home put your keys and wallet on it, so when you have to leave in a hurry, you will know exactly where to find them.

Sort your mail as it comes in
We all know how mail can easily build up. Before you even know it, it is everywhere – on your kitchen counter, in the hallway, next to the TV, on the coffee table. Don’t let old mail take control over your house! The moment it comes trash it, file it or respond to it. Whatever you do, just don’t put it on the top of your old mail and leave it there.

Clean one room a day
Cleaning the whole house is daunting and you need a whole day to do it. However, if you just clean one room a day, you will manage to keep your home tidy without any extra effort.

Organize your garage
The garage is the number one place where people store things they might need one day. Usually, that day never comes and you just end up with an area full of junk that collects dust and makes a cozy home for rats and other furry creatures. If you’ve decluttered your home, find great tips on how to organize your garage on resourceful sites and get rid of all that stuff you don’t need.
Keep the balance
Every time you buy something new, make sure you throw out something old. For example, if you buy a new pair of pants, get rid of your least favorite ones. This way you won’t clutter your house and end up with a bunch of unneeded items.

Organizing your home is not a one-day job. It takes time to do it right so just tackle one problem at a time and soon your house will look spotless.