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How to make a sleep-friendly bedroom?


Restful and quality sleep is vital for physical and mental well-being. Consistent and quality sleep ensures you wake up rejuvenated and refreshed. However, today’s strenuous lifestyle and junk food culture has triggered sleep disorders in millions across the globe. 

Although there are several factors that impact sleep, experts and sleep advisors claim that the environment around you is primarily responsible for promoting calming and stress-free sleep.  Here are a few tips to make your sleep haven a sleep-friendly sanctuary.

Tips on how to make a sleep-friendly bedroom

  • Make sure that your mattress, bedding and pillow are comfortable

Make sure that your mattress (or floor bed) is free of lumps, rips, or holes. If your mattress and the pillow is uncomfortable, you will wake up feeling numb, tired and stiff. Also, ensure that your mattress cover is of good quality so that it guards against bed bugs, mould, mildew, mites and miscellaneous allergens. 

Finally, top it all off with soft, comfortable bed sheet and a soft pillowcase set. For a sound and relaxing sleep, it is important to have a comfortable bedding.

For instruction to choose top rated mattress and pillow, check out this guide from

  • Remove all the clutter from your sleeping haven

A bedroom should not be treated as your gym, office, playroom or study room. The bedroom should be only associated with good and quality sleep. Other stuff like treadmill, computer, work desk, TV etc. should be removed from the room as they serve as potential distractions. 

Also, the bedroom should be away from any other room which you use as an office. It keeps your mind distracted and busy and even anxious about work since you associate and correlate the room with office work.

  • Keep the room cool

As you start to fall asleep, the body temperature naturally starts to drop in in order to prepare to sleep. A slight drop in body temperature helps encourage a relaxing sleep, which makes it important that the room is kept comfortably air-conditioned throughout the night. If you feel that the temperature outside the room is low, then leave your windows open. A room temperature of 20° Celsius or low, so be sure to adjust the thermostat (the controls used to regulate the temperature in a heating system) before dozing off, since a room with a suitable temperature induces sleep. 

  • Turn off electronic devices in the bedroom

Do not keep laptop, desktop, or television in your bedroom. These devices present distractions that disturb your sleep and keep you awake beyond your body’s natural sleep cycle. If you need your cell phone within reach at all the times, make sure to face it down to prevent being disturbed 

by the light emitted by it due to an incoming call or text message during the night. 

  • Block out the unwanted noise

Unwanted noise is another nuisance that can be a deterrent in a peaceful sleep. Whether it is coming from the inconsiderate neighbours, down the street due to honking and heavy traffic, or within the room itself, it is a common sleep thief.  It is important to get rid of, minimize, and arrest the unwanted noises in your bedroom that are disruptive to your sleep. The quieter and peaceful your sleeping haven is, the more comforting it is. 

  • Use aromatherapy

Aromatherapy refers to the use of fragrant/aromatic essential oils that are derived from a range of healing plants. It has a lot of health benefits. It relieves anxiety and stress, boosts energy levels, expedites the healing process, treats headaches, and encourages sleep. 

A quick spritz of soothing lavender fragrance on your mattress and pillows before bed will calm your exhausted mind and induce sound sleep.

  • Shut the drapes

Darkness is best for a calming and relaxing sleep. Light suppresses the melatonin production, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and naturally promotes sleep. Too little levels of melatonin hormone can disrupt or even prevent sleep. Even if you doze off, light can be detected through your eyelids—and your brain will not release melatonin if gets confused between night and day. So, it is important to switch off all lights (ceiling lights, night dim lights and table lamps) before going to sleep. 

  • Ignore the clock

A glimpse of the clock on the wall suddenly when you wake up in the night is enough to jolt you out of sleep and keep you out. Before going to bed, turn your clock’s face or digital readout away so you can’t see it.

Final Thoughts/Conclusion

There are many factors that have the ability to rob you of relaxing sleep. However, a good sleeping environment, good sleep hygiene and some good sleep practices promote a calming and relaxing sleep. 

To sum up, it can be said that there are many things that can make the environment of your bedroom ideal for a sound sleep. Implement the above-discussed tips and take the great experience of sleeping. 

Check out for even more sleep tips.