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Smart Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight During the Holidays

Image Source: Unsplash

As the holiday season approaches, we all look forward to the festivities, merriment, and of course, the food. But with all those hearty family dinners and tempting sweet treats comes the dread of holiday weight gain. Fear not! It’s still possible to maintain your goal weight. 

Before you decide to abandon all restraint or commit to a month-long diet post-celebration, here are some strategies that can help you enjoy the holidays while still maintaining a healthy weight.

10 Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Holidays

Don’t let the festive season derail your weight loss efforts. Here are 10 strategies to navigate indulgences while still enjoying all the joys of the season without adding unwanted pounds.

1. Stay Hydrated

Instead of immediately reaching for those tempting holiday sweets or hearty casseroles, try drinking a glass of water first. You might find that your ‘hunger’ disappears afterward. 

What’s more, drinking plenty of water can also help to increase feelings of fullness and promote better digestion, both beneficial factors in preventing unnecessary holiday weight gain. Lastly, remember that sweetened beverages don’t count! Stick to water for optimal hydration levels.

2. Stick to Your Routine

Sticking to your usual routine can play a vital role in avoiding weight gain. When your habits are disrupted, you might find it difficult to make healthy decisions, leading to overeating. 

Try to maintain your regular meal times and physical activities as much as possible, even amidst all the holiday festivities. For instance, if you usually have a salad for lunch or go for a run in the morning, don’t skip these routines just because it’s the holiday season. Stay consistent!

3. Subscribe to a Meal Kit Service

A subscription to a meal kit service could help you avoid holiday weight gain by providing portion-controlled meals with nutritious ingredients. The convenience of having all the necessary items for preparing home-cooked meals can significantly reduce your temptation to order out. 

Some services even offer delicious ketogenic meals at your doorstep, ensuring you stay on track with your dietary needs without sacrificing taste and variety this holiday season.

4. Control Portions

A vital part of not putting on extra weight during the holidays is practicing portion control. With all the tasty festive meals around, it’s easy to overindulge. However, you can still savor your favorite holiday dishes without packing on any pounds by eating smaller portions. 

It might be helpful to use smaller plates, bowls, or cutlery to limit your portions. Remember, it’s also perfectly okay to pleasantly decline when offered a second helping.

5. Opt for Healthy Snacks

Choosing healthier snacks during the holidays is another effective tactic to prevent holiday weight gain. While it can be tempting to reach for candies, cookies, or other treats during this time of year, try keeping fresh fruits, nuts, and low-fat yogurt within easy reach instead. 

These alternatives are not only nourishing, but are also satisfying, and can help curb your hunger until mealtime. Additionally, their fiber content will make you feel fuller for much longer.

6. Stay Physically Active

Staying physically active throughout the holiday season is an effective way to avoid gaining those dreaded extra pounds. Include some sort of physical exercise in your daily routine, whether it’s a brisk morning walk, a full gym workout, or even a leisurely family bike ride. 

Physical activity not only helps you keep off weight by burning excess calories but also reduces stress levels that often lead to emotional eating. Just don’t push yourself too hard.

7. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Holiday cheer often involves glasses of wine, bottles of beer, or sparkling cocktails. While these drinks can certainly feel festive, they’re often high in sugar and empty calories. This can lead to unexpected weight gain, either from bloating or straight calories, if not moderated. 

Instead, consider opting for lighter options such as low-calorie beers or red wine, which is better for your heart. And always remember: enjoying a glass here and there won’t harm you.

8. Function Over Food

Shifting your focus from food to the function itself can be a powerful tool in avoiding holiday weight gain. The holidays are about more than just extravagant meals. They’re about spending time with loved ones, creating memories, and sharing joy, so try to focus on that more. 

This shift in mindset will not only help you view holiday get-togethers as moments of connection rather than an opportunity to overindulge, but it will keep you more engaged with the festivities.

9. Manage Stress Levels

The festive season, while joyful, can also bring about a fair share of stress, which can lead to emotional eating. Find effective ways to handle this pressure, like taking time for self-care, stepping away, or practicing mindfulness exercises such as yoga or meditation. 

Remember that it’s okay and actually beneficial, even amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, to slow down and enjoy quiet moments alone or with your loved ones. 

10. Don’t Completely Skip Dessert

Contrary to what you might believe, completely skipping dessert is not necessarily a clever move for avoiding holiday weight gain. Completely denying yourself treats you love can lead to feelings of deprivation and ensuing overindulgence later on once you’re home alone. 

Instead, strike a balance by allowing yourself small servings of your favorite holiday sweets. If you appreciate the variety, try taking bite-sized portions of different desserts. 

In Conclusion… 

It’s evident that enjoying the holiday season doesn’t have to be synonymous with weight gain. With a bit of mindful eating, regular physical activity, and some healthy habits, you can navigate through the festivities without any added pounds. So go on and relish this beautiful holiday season to the fullest. Remember that a healthy life is all about balance, not deprivation.