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Do Robot Cleaners Work on Carpets?

Robot vacuums have emerged as an incredible home cleaning tool since they navigate smoothly and get to hard-to-reach areas on tiles or hardwood flooring. However, one question still remains — do robot cleaners work on carpets?

This article delves into the cleaning robot’s features and capabilities on different types of carpets and makes a final decision on whether they work on carpets 

Types of Carpets

There are three types of carpets: low pile medium pile and high pile carpets and the length of fibers of each one of them varies

Low-Pile Carpets

These carpets have short fiber, are thin, and are usually used for places where heavy foot traffic is expected. This is because due to their short and tightly woven fibers, and thin structure, low-pile carpets do not accumulate a lot of dirt or allergens. These factors generally make these carpets easier to clean.

 Medium-Pile Carpets

These carpets have medium-sized fibers which makes them easy to clean. However, they are not as easy to clean as low-pile carpets. On the other hand, they also inherit the plushy property of high-pile carpets. 

High-Pile Carpets

High-pile carpets have long fibers and are thick and plushy which gives them a luxurious look. Due to their long fibers, these carpets are difficult to clean since the dirt is easily accumulated at the bottom of the carpet and cannot be easily sucked out with a regular vacuum.

Why Are Carpets Hard To Clean

Carpets have an absorbent nature due to their fibers which lets them trap dirt, spills, and stains at their bottom. This is worsened by regular foot traffic, which pushes the dirt deeper, making the carpets super hard to be cleaned.

Do Robot Vacuums Work on Carpet

The answer is yes. Cleaner robots are intelligently manufactured to work on different flooring types including hardwood floors, tiles, and carpets. However, their efficiency for vacuuming carpets might differ from model to model. 

How To Choose a Robot Vacuum for Carpet

If you are looking for a robot vacuum to clean your carpets, it is a good idea to go for a robot that has strong suction power. This is because since the dirt accumulates at the bottom of the carpet, suction power is demanded to pull it out. We would recommend going for a device that has a suction power between 5,000 Pa and 8,000 Pa, especially if you have pets, as this range is effective in handling pet hair and deeper carpet dirt. 

Moreover, an auto vacuum with rolling brushes or a model with brushes that have strong bristles should be your go-to choice. This is because the rolling brushes or strong brushes will efficiently loosen the dirt caked at the bottom of the carpet, making it easier to vacuum.

You can also choose a robot vacuum that offers different cleaning models or a model that allows you to change the suction power of the vacuum. You might find a cleaning mode specifically designed for carpets or else you can set the vacuum’s suction power to maximum capacity to help efficiently clean the carpet.

However, the choice of robot cleaner still largely depends on the type of carpet you are going to use it on. Generally, low-pile carpets are easier to clean. Hence, you would not need a model with super strong suction power. A model with medium suction power would work. On the other hand for high-pile carpets, you would need a vacuum with super strong suction power.

How To Maximize Cleaning Power on Carpets

If you are looking forward to maximizing the cleaning power of a robot vacuum, you can do so by regularly maintaining it.  You need to make sure that the battery is healthy, the dustbin is empty before you schedule cleaning, and that the filters are always clean.

Some other factors that contribute to the maximized cleaning power of a robot vacuum on carpets are specialized cleaning modes. For example, if you are working on a carpet you should choose a carpet-specific cleaning option or an option that allows you to maximize the suction power of the robot vacuum.

Besides, some models of auto vacuum will allow you to adjust the brush height. By doing so, you can tackle carpets of different heights. Since carpets act as a magnet for spills and stains, in case of any spill you should address it promptly using appropriate cleaning tools and not wait for the stain to dry.

Cleaning Capabilities on Other Floors

Robot vacuum works amazingly on hardwood, laminate, cork, and tile floors. Not only do they help remove pet dander, dirt, debris, and hair by moving smoothly around, but also prevent scratching and damaging them. As per the rugs are concerned, auto vacuums can also work on rugs as long as they are not very plush or thick.

Auto vacuums are not a good option for irregular floors, sensitive flooring, or outdoor areas. This is because a cleaning robot does not navigate properly on irregular floors, may scratch the sensitive flooring, and gives a poor cleaning performance in outdoor areas.