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3 Different Ways to Incorporate AI Tools into Your Art and Crafts Projects

Source: Pexels

If you were to ask someone what the connection between art and technology was just a decade ago, they would have probably told you that they’re two opposite worlds. After all, art is often thought of as emotional and humane, whereas technology is, well, robotic and therefore detached.

Today, though, many creatives believe that art and technology are not antithetic at all; in fact, many use artificial intelligence (AI) as a sort of creative partner in their work. And why shouldn’t they?

AI makes creating art easier, faster, and ultimately more fun. Sure, there are some ethical concerns to consider, but every technological breakthrough comes with its own challenges. That doesn’t mean it’s all bad or that it’s going to go away – no, AI is here to stay, and we can either adapt and thrive, or perish.

If you’re looking to join the creatives who use AI in their art and design so you can grow your portfolio, or you’re simply interested in experimenting with it for fun, keep on reading. In this article, we share three fun and easy ways you can incorporate AI tools into your art and crafts projects.

Generative Art

There’s a reason AI art generators have exploded in the past couple of years – they’re easy to use, can help bring virtually any vision to life, and have the ability to enhance even the dullest of images in mere seconds. What’s not to love?

By leveraging the power and, yes, creativity of AI algorithms, you can turn your ideas into stunning art even if you’re not an artist yourself. These tools can be excellent creative partners, helping you produce unique pieces that blend human creativity with technological precision.

Artwork generated with AI can sometimes have a specific look that some people can clock almost immediately as artificial, but the good news is that you can experiment endlessly to create something truly unique and beautiful with the various tools available online.

3D Printing with AI

If you’re into sculpture or want to experiment with three-dimensional art and crafts, why not combine AI tools with 3D printing? It can open up a whole world of new possibilities!

AI algorithms can help you design all kinds of 3D models, from purely artistic objects to those with practical use. Start by writing a few good prompts describing the art you want the tool to create for you.

Then, you add all the features you want, such as color, dimension, texture, etc. Finally, you use a 3D printer to print your design, which can be anything from a painting to a vase to a toy.

AI-Customized Color Pallets for Your Art

Choosing the right colors is essential in arts and crafts, especially for artworks you plan on displaying around your home. If this is something that you struggle with or you’d welcome help with, don’t hesitate to ‘ask’ AI for help!

There are numerous AI art tools that can help you generate customized color palettes based on your preferences or the theme of your project. For example, if you’re creating an image that you want to display in your living room but are not sure what color combinations are harmonious with the rest of your décor, use AI for inspiration.

Let the tool know what the dominant colors are in the room and let it generate different color combinations for you. Then, then fine-tune them however you see fit by adjusting saturation, brightness, or contrast.

Wrapping Up…

Incorporating AI into your art and crafts projects can be a wonderful way to spice up your creations and expand your creative toolkit. As long as you remember that AI doesn’t replace the human touch but enhances it (or adds a unique twist to it!), feel free to use these tools as your creative collaborators or inspirations.

Happy crafting!